

Community, Education + Outreach

Rape Response is passionate about raising awareness and educating our communities about sexual assault.

Community + Professional Training

Rape Response provides community and professional trainings on the following topics (including but not limited to):

  • The Impact of Trauma
  • Trauma Informed Investigations
  • Darkness to Light, Stewards of Children training 
  • Self-care for Helping Professionals
  • Responding to Sexual Assault

Please call Rape Response at (770) 503-7273 or fill out the Speaker Request Form to inquire about trainings for your agency or organization.

Education Programs

Rape Response’s copyrighted Let’s Talk© education programs are dedicated to educating adolescents and their parents on healthy relationship dynamics, boundaries and laws designed to protect them during a time in their lives when they are most vulnerable. Let’s Talk© programs are offered to middle, high school and college students in our six county service area. Classes are taught with sensitivity and candor. Response by parents, teachers and students is positive and enthusiastic. 

Central concepts of the Let’s Talk© curriculum include:

  • Understanding Georgia law on rape, sexual assault, and statutory rape
  • Consent and coercion definitions
  • Lowering the risk for personal involvement with sexual assault
  • How to respond if a friend is in pain regarding a sexual assault
  • Tips on healthy relationships and communicating boundaries
  • Personal and legal implications of “sexting”
  • How to make smart choices when using social media

To request more information on the curriculum, fill out the form below:


Among developmentally disabled adults, up to 83% of females and 32% of males are victims of sexual violence.
